18 Best Stay At Home Jobs For Dads And Moms: Detailed Roadmaps

Stay At Home Dad trying to multitask with different kinds of remote jobs, while also managing the kids

Many new parents prioritize finding work that is fulfilling and flexible, so they can be there for their family. Remote work opportunities are booming. There are now more family-friendly jobs for dads, moms, and all stay-at-home parents than ever before. 

Being a stay-at-home dad and spending time with your young children can be extremely rewarding. However, earning an income as a stay-at-home parent can also be beneficial. It can help pay off debts, save for the future, or have extra spending money.

Now here’s the good news.

Many legitimate remote jobs and side hustles allow stay-at-home moms and dads to make money from home. These flexible work-from-home jobs will allow you to balance having a job. You can also spend quality time with your family. 

In this article, we’ll explore the best stay at home jobs for dads, moms and parents in general. We’ll look at everything from freelance gigs to full time jobs. In the process, we will touch upon virtual assistant jobs and data entry work to freelance writing and website development. Many of these jobs will let you set your own schedule and allow you to work completely from home. A few of the others may need occasional meetings or events outside the home.

What Should Stay-At-Home Parents Look For In A Home Job?

Flexible Schedule

Since you’re home with kids, you’ll likely need a flexible work options. This allows you to work during their naps, after bedtime, or find other windows. Seek out remote jobs, freelance gigs and other opportunities with adjustable hours.

Online Job That Doesn’t Need Lots of Calls

It can be tough to jump on long phone meetings when you’ve got little ones vying for your attention. Look for jobs that emphasize written communication over calls when possible.

Valuable Skills

Consider ways you can monetize skills from your past career or education. Tutoring, writing, design, administrative tasks and more are options. It’s also important for parents to consider the valuable skills they can develop through a remote job. This can lead to career growth and potential opportunities in the future.

Growth Potential

Even if a job starts small, consider ones with room for your role to grow over time to increase earnings

Doing A Job That You Will Enjoy

Working from home with kids presents certain challenges. Choosing a job you enjoy can make it more sustainable.

Stay-at-home parents should consider the above factors when looking for a  job. The key is to find one which allows them to balance work and family life. The right kind of work can provide financial stability for the family. It can also bring purpose and fulfillment to the stay-at-home parent. 

18 Legitimate Work From Home Jobs For Moms And Dads

Stay at Home Dad engaged in various remote jobs, working from home

1. Freelance Writing

If you are comfortable putting words on paper, writing as a side gig could be the thing for you. Write articles, blog posts, or even ghostwrite for others. There are two fundamental ways to make money out of writing. 

  • You could take up a writing assignment and get paid for every word. 
  • You could also start your Blog, build some traffic for the content, and monetize it through Ads or Affiliate Marketing. Once you have the traffic built up to your Blog, these can prove to be excellent sources of passive income for you.

Specialized jobs like Grant Writing are in high demand and pay well. Learn how to start a career in freelance grant writing .

How do you showcase your writing skills?

If you want to show off your writing skills, make a simple website with a collection of your best work.

Pick a range of writing pieces that showcase the diversity of your skills. Also, show how well you can write for different types of people. It would help if you organized the portfolio in a way that is easy to navigate. Include brief descriptions of each sample to provide context. 

Even if you are starting, you can create dummy content covering various topics and contexts. This will give a potential client an idea of what you can accomplish. If you have already done a few assignments, remember to add client feedback and testimonials to your portfolio.

Pitch clients by showing how your high-quality, well-researched, and engaging content can save them time. It can also reduce headaches and help them make more money.

Network with other freelance writers. Reach out to them through social media. Consider working with a writing agency to find clients more efficiently. Collaborate with experienced writers.

Practice your writing skills by writing for friends and family. Offer discounts, or write about personal topics to build confidence. Revise and refresh your grammar to ensure it is clear, precise, and error-free.

Cold-pitch media companies you haven’t worked with. Research their content requirements first. Research the content requirements of media companies you have yet to work with. Make dummy content in advance for them and make cold calls seeking an opportunity to contribute.

Additional Tip: Search Engine Optimization

Learn about SEO to increase the visibility of your articles and improve your ranking on search engine results pages. You must acquire this essential skill to make good money as a content writer. You’ll get paid really well if you can make your client’s content rank on Google searches. 

Tools to invest:

  • Word Processing Software: Microsoft Word or Google Docs for drafting and editing content.
  • Plagiarism Checker: Tools like Grammarly or Turnitin to ensure content originality. QuillBot is a beautiful tool for paraphrasing content, which you may also consider as a part of the toolset.
  • SEO Tools: Understanding SEO is crucial for web writing. Tools like Yoast SEO or SEMrush can help optimize content
  • AI Long Form Content Tools : Chat GPT, Writesonic or Neuron Writer

Training Programs:

Where can you search for writing assignments?

  • Content Mills and Freelance Platforms: Websites like Upwork, Freelancer, and Contently offer various writing jobs.
  • Writing Job Boards: Sites like ProBlogger Jobs and BloggingPro specifically list blogging and content writing opportunities.

2. Graphic Designer Side Hustles: Best Stay-At-Home Job For Creatives

Graphic designer creating designs using online tools

As a stay-at-home dad, diving into graphic design work can be a flexible and rewarding way to contribute financially. You can take on small projects like logo creation and brand identity development. You can also design marketing materials without needing to be an expert in complex software. 

Monthly subscription-based AI-driven tools are available. They make it easy for anyone with design sensibility to make money with graphic design.

Basics required for Graphic Design Jobs:

  • Fundamental Design Skills: Understanding design principles and aesthetics – color theory, typography, and layout.
  • Basic Software Knowledge: Familiarity with tools like Photoshop and video editing software is required. Expert-level proficiency is optional.

Ideal Projects for Beginners:

  • Logo Creation: Designing simple yet effective logos for small businesses or startups.
  • Brand Identity: Developing essential brand elements like color schemes and fonts.
  • Marketing Materials: Creating flyers, brochures, and business cards.
  • Social Media Posts: Designing visually appealing content for social media platforms.
  • Company Letterheads and Business Stationery.
  • Basic Video Making: Putting together simple promotional or informational videos.

AI Tools for a Graphic Designer:

  • Canva: A user-friendly tool for creating a wide range of graphics, including social media posts and marketing materials.
  • Crello: Similar to Canva, it provides many templates and design elements.
  • Veed.io: Simple video editing for social media posts and promotional videos
  • Adobe Firefly & Mid Journey : AI generated art

For stay-at-home dads, graphic design can be an appealing side hustle. It allows for creativity and flexibility. The availability of AI-driven tools makes it more accessible than ever. You don’t need to be an expert. You can start taking on small projects with a basic understanding of design principles. Gradually build your skills and portfolio.

3. Website Designing

Website Designer looking at a large screen trying to figure out the best website design

With more businesses going online, the need for websites has never been higher than now. Website development does no longer require deep technical knowledge. The advent of drag-and-drop website builders and e-commerce platforms allows those with minimal technical expertise to create functional, attractive websites. There are plenty of opportunities available on sites like Fiver and Up Work for you to explore.

This approach to web development focuses on using accessible tools and platforms. It helps create professional-looking websites without needing to delve into complex programming. It’s the perfect job for dads who want to work from home, but are keen on exploring the digital space creatively and entrepreneurially. 

Resources Required:

  • Drag-and-Drop Website Builders: Drag-and-Drop Website Builders are platforms like Wix, Squarespace, and Weebly. They make website creation intuitive and straightforward. You don’t need to code.
  • E-commerce Platforms: Shopify is excellent for quickly creating online stores, offering various templates and built-in tools.

Basic Web Design and Copywriting Skills:

  • Online Courses: Websites like Udemy and Coursera offer basic web design, user experience, and copywriting courses.
  • Copywriting Resources: Understanding how to write compelling web copy is crucial. Resources like Copyblogger  and The Copy Cure  can be invaluable.

Tools to Invest:

  • Subscription to a Website Builder: Most drag-and-drop builders offer various subscription levels depending on your needs.
  • Sales Funnels: Sales funnels are a series of connected web pages. They aim to convert a visitor to a website through a series of structured steps. The goal is to get the visitor to finally transact on the site. Specialized tools like Click Funnels, Builderall and Systeme.io could be good additions to your arsenal.
  • Domain and Hosting: Many website builders include hosting. But, purchasing a unique domain name through services like GoDaddy, Hostinger, or Blue Host adds professionalism. Enhancing your online presence with your own website is a must do.


  • Web Design Fundamentals: Look for beginner-friendly courses covering layout, color theory, and typography basics.
  • Understanding Sales Funnels : A good resources to understand Sales Funnels is ClickFunnels
  • E-commerce Specific Training: Platforms like Shopify offer tutorials and guides to help you set up and manage an online store.

Additional Tips:

  • Portfolio Building: As you complete projects, build a portfolio to showcase your work. You can host it on a platform like Behance, or your website.
  • Continuous Learning: The web is constantly evolving. Stay updated with the latest trends and tools in web development and e-commerce.
  • Udemy and Coursera offer comprehensive web development courses. They include front-end frameworks and backend development
  • Specializations: Consider niche areas like WordPress development or e-commerce platforms for specialized skills.

4. Online Tutoring: Stay At Home Job That’s Rewarding

Man sitting in front of his laptop, engaged in giving online tuitions

Online tutoring jobs allow you to teach others a subject you know well. You can teach academic subjects, languages, or musical instruments. The best part is that these jobs let you earn by teaching anyone across the globe. If you have expertise in a particular subject, consider becoming an online tutor. Flexible hours and an ability to work remotely help to make this one of the best jobs for stay-at-home parents. You can get started with as little as $200 and you have the potential to make an extra $3000 per month. Its a great way to make money as a stay-at-home dad or mom.

Resources Required:

  • Expertise in a Subject: Strong knowledge of the subject you plan to teach.
  • Technological Setup: A computer with a good webcam, a headset with a microphone, and a stable internet connection.

Ways to Find Assignments:

Tutoring Platforms: VIPKid , Tutor.com, and Chegg Tutors specialize in academic subjects. iTalki is excellent for language teaching.

Tools to Buy:

  • Digital Whiteboard: Tools like Ziteboard or Bitpaper for interactive teaching.
  • Educational Software: For mathematics, use software like GeoGebra. For music, use music theory tools.

Training and Certifications:

  • Certifications: TEFL certification for English tutors. Subject-specific certifications, such as in mathematics or science.
  • Skill Improvement: Websites like Udemy and Coursera also offer courses in effective teaching techniques and subject-specific advancements.

Additional Tips:

  • Building a Presence: Create a profile highlighting your expertise, experience, and teaching style. Engage in online teaching communities or forums.
  • Marketing Yourself: Utilize social media and educational forums to promote your services.

5. Affiliate Marketing: A Flexible Path to Passive Income

Affiliate Marketer working on his laptop, making content with affiliate links. Looking to attract people through the content to make a purchase through the links

In affiliate marketing, you promote products of others and earn a commission on every sale or lead generated. This means that you don’t have to create or carry any inventory. 

You need to find products or services that you believe in and would interest your target audience. Then, promote them using personalized links or codes. 

To succeed, identify your target market. Determine what products or services they might be interested in. Then, focus on promoting those products through channels where your target market is most likely present. 

What Would Be Required:

If you’re considering stepping into this line of work, knowing what resources you need to succeed is important. Here are some essential resources to consider:

A Website: A website is essentially like  your storefront, where you’ll showcase the products or services you want to promote. You don’t need to be a tech genius to create a website – many website builders can create a simple professional looking website in 5 clicks of the mouse.

A Niche: It is important to choose a niche, because it helps you focus on specific products or services to promote to a particular audience. The more specific your niche, the easier to target that audience with products they’re interested in buying.

High-Quality Content: Content is the fuel that moves people to take action. Create and post content that will attract people to your site, engage them, and ultimately convince them to buy the products or services you’re promoting. Make sure your information is interesting, useful, and provides value to your readers.

Traffic: No one will visit your website if it doesn’t get visitors. There are many ways to generate traffic to your site. These include SEO, social media, advertising, and email marketing. Identify the most effective channels for your niche. Then, get started on driving quality traffic to your site.

Right Partners: Finding the right partners is crucial to your success. Look for companies with offerings that are relevant to your niche and are high-quality, high-converting products.

Email Marketing: The creation of an email list ranks right at the top of the list. It’s a direct line of communication with your audience. You can offer them exclusive promotions and deals and build trust with them over time.

Patience and Perseverance: Affiliate marketing is not a magic bullet, rather, it necessitates consistent work to establish a business. Be patient, persevere, and keep building your business every single day.

Where to Start:

Affiliate Networks: Working directly with networks like Amazon Associates, ClickBank, and Commission Junction  to find products to promote.

Choose Your Niche: Focus on products or niches you’re passionate about or know about. This makes your marketing more genuine and effective.

Tools to Invest In:

  • Website or Blog: Consider using WordPress with hosting services like Bluehost  or SiteGround.
  • Email Marketing Tools: Mailchimp or ConvertKit  are online platforms which are  great for building and managing an email list.
  • SEO and Analytics Tools: Google Analytics (analytics.google.com) and SEO tools like Ahrefs or Moz can help track your success and optimize your content.

Learning Resources:



YouTube Videos:

Affiliate marketing requires effort and time. It is a great way to earn money from the comfort of your home. And you do not have to worry about customer service or refunds.

6. Transcriptionist – Get Paid To Listen

Man with headphones and laptop in front, transcribing spoken content to written words

The process of transcribing entails taking audio or video and turning it into text. It’s a flexible online job that can be an excellent fit for those with good listening skills and a fast typing speed. Transcriptionist work covers general topics. It also has specialized fields like medical or legal transcription.

All that transcribing jobs require is a quiet environment. Its a great job for stay-at-home dads and moms who want to to realize the true benefits of working from home.

Resources Required:

  1. Excellent Listening Skills: Ability to accurately hear and understand audio recordings. This is often with varying sound quality and accents.
  2. Fast and Accurate Typing: Proficiency in typing quickly to transcribe in real-time or near real-time.
  3. A Good Quality Headset and Computer: Clear audio playback on headset. Reliable computer for typing and internet research are essential.

Where to Find Work:

  • Transcription Services: Websites like Rev, TranscribeMe, and Scribie offer transcription jobs. They typically require you to pass a transcription test before starting.
  • Freelance Platforms: Platforms like Upwork and Fiverr also list transcription jobs.

Tools to Invest In:

  • Transcription Software: Software like Express Scribe (nch.com.au/scribe) or oTranscribe  can aid in controlling audio playback speeds.
  • Foot Pedal: A foot pedal (like those from Infinity) can help control audio playback, freeing up your hands for typing.

Additional Tips:

  • Develop a Niche: Specializing in a medical or legal transcription field can be more lucrative, though it often requires additional training or certification.
  • Improve Language Skills: Good grammar and punctuation skills are essential for producing quality transcripts.
  • Practice: Regular practice is crucial. Websites like GoTranscript offer practice audio files.

Transcription is an accessible way to earn money online. It’s especially good for detail-oriented people with excellent listening and typing skills. While it can be challenging, especially with complex audio files, there’s a good chance of generating a stable income. Improving skill and speed over time can lead to more opportunities. It can also lead to higher-paying specialized transcription work.

7. Proofreading: Sharpening Words from Home

Proofreader going through written content to check for errors

Proofreading is the act of reviewing final drafts of written documents. It ensures accuracy and consistency in grammar, spelling, formatting, and style. It’s an excellent online earning opportunity for those with a keen eye for detail and a love for language. It also offers the benefit of being able to work on your own schedule. 

To start off, all that you need is an experience with MS Office and an ability to focus on work closely. Proofreading is truly one of the best remote jobs for stay at home parents looking to work flexibly.  if you are exploring a part-time job option which allows you the freedom to work while also being able to spend time with your kids, then this is it. 

Where to Find Work as a Proofreader:

  • Freelance Platforms: Websites like Freelancer, and Fiverr often have listings for proofreading jobs. There are plenty of jobs on Upwork also.
  • Dedicated Proofreading Services: Platforms like ProofreadingServices.com and Scribendi offer opportunities specifically for proofreaders.
  • Industry associations and forums, such as SfEP and ASJA, often have job boards or member directories where you can find potential clients.

Tools to Invest In:

  • Reference Materials: Online dictionaries and style guides like the Oxford English Dictionary and the Chicago Manual of Style.
  • Proofreading Software: Grammarly and Hemingway Editor can assist in catching common errors.
  • PDF Editing Tools: Adobe Acrobat Pro or similar software for handling PDF documents, which are common in proofreading work.

Training Resources:

Information of these websites provide the most comprehensive resources on proofreading training and certifications.

Additional Tips:

  • Build a Portfolio: Gather examples of your proofreading work or create sample documents to demonstrate your skills.
  • Networking: Participate in online communities and message boards for writers and editors. Networking can lead to more job opportunities.
  • Stay Updated: Keep up with changes in writing styles and common usage by reading widely and continuously learning.

Proofreading can be a rewarding and flexible side hustle opportunity. It requires attention to detail, a strong command of language, and the ability to work methodically. With the right tools and training, anyone passionate about words can build a successful career in proofreading. A desire for precision is all you need.  In fact this is one of the easiest ways to make some extra money from home.

8. Website Flipping: Getting Paid For Buying, Improving & Selling Websites

Man sitting in front of large computer screens. He is hard at work on the open websites, trying to improve their look and user experience.

This involves the process of buying an existing website, improving it, and then reselling it for a profit. The key is to identify websites that already have some traffic and are ranking for a few keywords. They should be in an attractive niche with the potential to do much better with proper SEO. This hustle is all about investing in such websites, working on them to increase their attractiveness, and then selling them at a profit.

This type of work has the potential to generate significant revenue, but it requires skills and resources to succeed. It’s more technical than the others, but with some training and hard work, the money you can make can be almost 3x of investment.

Key Requirements:

  • Knowledge and Skills

Website flipping requires the understanding of website design, content creation, SEO, and finally, monetization. 

  • Money

A website flipper needs to invest in buying and improving the target website. Then, after he has worked on the website, he needs also to have the money to advertise it. The investment amount depends on the website and the changes it has to undergo. Funding Circle offers small business loans for website flipping.

  • Technical tools

Tools needed are website builders, hosting providers, and analytics tools. Wix and WordPress are helpful website builders. SiteGround and Bluehost provide solid hosting. You need Google Analytics to track website traffic and engagement. You also need third-party tools like SemRush.

  • Marketing Tools

Advertising the transformed website requires marketing social media, email, and paid promotion strategies. You can use Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and Pinterest to provide information on this website. Email marketing tools like Mailchimp and Constant Contact can help you build a mailing list. They can also help you reach a wider audience.

Knowledge Resources:

One of the best ways to learn about website flipping is through blogs, YouTube channels, and articles. Here are some valuable resources:

  • Flipping websites for profit: This video offers valuable insights into website flipping and provides helpful tips and strategies for success.
  • Empire Flippers: This website brokerage firm specializes in buying and selling online businesses. Their blog offers helpful resources for anyone interested in website flipping.
  • Income School: This YouTube channel offers a wealth of information about website flipping, affiliate marketing, and SEO optimization.

In conclusion, website flipping can bring in passive income. But, it needs a lot of effort, skills, and resources. With the right effort and knowledge, this business can make a lot of money. 

9. E-Commerce Success: Launching Your Etsy Shop

Man sitting  in front of a large computer screen Screen has multiple E=commerce products on it with prices and description.

E-commerce through platforms like Etsy offers a fantastic opportunity for individuals to sell unique, often handmade products online. It’s ideal for creative people who enjoy crafting or are passionate about vintage and artisan items.

What Kind of Products Can You Sell on Etsy?

Handmade Crafts and Artisan Goods: This includes jewelry, home decor, art, and personalized items

Vintage Items: Anything at least 20 years old qualifies as vintage on Etsy. 

Craft Supplies: Selling materials for crafting, like beads, yarn, fabrics, or DIY kits, 

Digital Products: This includes digital art, digital templates (for resumes, websites, etc.). and selling printables on Etsy (like planners or party invitations)

Customized Clothing and Accessories: Custom T-shirts, hats, bags, and other accessories with unique designs or personalized elements are popular.

Resources Required:

  • Unique Products or Craft Skills: Whether it’s handmade goods, vintage finds, or special designs, having a distinctive product line is crucial.
  • Sourcing Strategy: Identifying and establishing relationships with Local suppliers, Artisan Collaborations, Thrift and estate sales, and Auctions and flea Markets. 
  • A Digital Camera or Smartphone: High-quality photos are essential for showcasing your products.
  • Shipping Supplies: Packaging materials, labels, and a reliable product shipping method.

Setting Up Your Etsy Shop:

  • Etsy Account: Create a seller account on Etsy.
  • Shop Branding: Shop name, branding & logo are essential. It helps create internet recognition.
  • Customer Service: Delivering outstanding customer service has the potential to bring in much-needed recurring business.

Learning Resources:

  • Etsy Seller Handbook: Etsy provides a comprehensive guide (Etsy Seller Handbook) for new sellers, covering everything from setting up your shop to marketing your products.
  • Online Courses: Websites like Udemy offer online courses. They focus on marketing, SEO, social media marketing, and product photography. Specifically, they focus on helping Etsy sellers.

Other E-Commerce Side Hustles with High Earning Potential

Dropshipping: Selling products through a third-party supplier who handles inventory and shipping. 

Amazon FBA (Fulfillment by Amazon): Selling products on Amazon while Amazon handles storage, packing, and shipping. 

Print on Demand: Print on Demand is like drop shipping. When a customer orders them, the company prints and ships products like books, clothing, or home goods. Platforms like Printful or Teespring facilitate this.

Subscription Boxes: Curators curate and sell subscription boxes in specific niches, such as beauty products, snacks, or pet supplies. This can be profitable. You’ll need to manage sourcing, packaging, and regular shipments.

Customized Merchandise: Using platforms like Zazzle or Redbubble to sell customized merchandise like phone cases, mugs, or stickers designed by you.

Starting an e-commerce business is an excellent way for individuals to monetize their hobbies and skills. Setting up the shop, creating or sourcing products, and marketing all need effort. But, the flexibility and potential rewards can be significant. Like any online business, staying informed about trends is crucial to success. Continually refining your approach is also crucial.

Other Jobs For Stay-At-Home Dads And Moms

10. Virtual Assistant (VA)

A virtual assistant is a person who works from home. They help businesses or people with artistic, technical, or administrative tasks. You would be expected to do things like make meetings, check emails, do research, and answer customer questions as a VA. Many businesses and entrepreneurs use virtual assistants. They are flexible and cost-effective, making them a great way to handle administrative chores. They can do this without having to hire a full-time employee. Improvements in technology and communication tools enable virtual helpers to work from home. They make the business more efficient.

11. Data Entry

 Data entry is the process of inputting, updating, or manipulating data in a database or spreadsheet. Data Entry Jobs involve tasks such as typing in information, verifying accuracy, and organizing data. Data entry is a crucial function for many businesses. It maintains accurate records and generates reports for decision making.

This type of job will require attention to detail. It also calls for strong organizational skills and the ability to work independently. But they also provide convenience for those seeking a remote job opportunity. 

12. Customer Service Rep

Working as a customer service representative is considered one of the best jobs. It’s for individuals looking for a flexible work schedule. Customer service reps play a vital role in ensuring customer satisfaction. They also maintain positive relationships with clients. They are responsible for addressing customer inquiries. They resolve issues and provide support in a professional and efficient manner. This role requires strong communication skills. It also needs problem-solving abilities and the capacity to remain calm and composed under pressure. 

13. Tech Support Specialist

As a tech support specialist, you can help customers troubleshoot technical issues. You can also provide customer service from the comfort of your own home. 

With the increasing demand for remote work, there are plenty of online jobs for stay-at-home tech support specialists. Many companies now offer work-at-home jobs in tech support. This makes it a viable option for those who want to earn income while staying home with their kids.

14. Travel Agent

Being a travel agent allows for a lot of creativity and autonomy in your work. You can book flights and accommodations and create customized itineraries. Plus, the increasing demand for personalized travel experiences means there is always a need for travel agents. They must provide excellent customer service and expert knowledge of different destinations. Overall, working as a stay-at-home travel agent can be a rewarding and flexible career choice. 

15. Bookkeeper

There are no specific qualifications needed to work as a bookkeeper from home. However, having a background in accounting or finance can be beneficial. Additionally, some employers may need certification in bookkeeping or related software.

This role is often part-time and you can do it from the comfort of your own home, making it one of the best work at home jobs. Online jobs are increasingly available for stay-at-home parents. This has made bookkeeping a popular choice. This is due to the flexible hours and the high demand for skilled individuals.

16. Virtual Real Estate Investor

Online investment platforms like Fundrise let regular people invest in real estate. Investments can pay off without needing a lot of time or face-to-face contact. This allows stay-at-home parents an easy way to make extra money and help support their families.

17. Direct Sales

Direct Sales jobs are available in beauty, wellness products, home goods and fashion. Large direct sales companies like Amway, Tupperware and Avon also offer product trainings. They also provide a stay at home parent the flexibility to work around existing commitments at home.

Working from home has its own benefits. It also offers huge potential upsides through sales commissions. Stay-at-home parents looking for a fulfilling, flexible job can consider direct sales. It’s a great option. 

18. Social Media Manager

The role of a Social Media Manager,  is to manage the online presence for businesses and brands. The demand for social media marketing is increasing. There are many work-at-home jobs available.  Its a fun job that pays well.

Stay-at-home parents can find this job fulfilling and lucrative. They need the right skills and knowledge of social media platforms. It allows them to contribute to their households while being present for their families. 

Key Takeaways

The number of stay at home dads in the United States has grown over 60% in the past decade. And there are now more legitimate work from home options than ever before. Many of these jobs offer the flexibility parents need to balance work and family.

Finding great work from home jobs for parents does need research and creativity. It may also need developing more marketable skills, but the effort pays off. The ability to earn an income while raising your kids and avoiding lengthy commutes is life-changing. So whether you want to make a lot of money or need to cover a few extra expenses, there are quality stay-at-home jobs out there.

If you’re a stay-at-home dad, mom or parent looking for remote work opportunities, use this list as a starting point for thinking through your options. Focus on jobs that use your natural strengths and interests first. To succeed in a freelance career, you must develop in-demand skills and build up your freelance portfolio. So do your research and begin putting yourself out there for remote positions that excite you today.


A: Ideal side hustles for stay-at-home dads include freelance writing, e-commerce, and even investing in real estate through platforms like Fundrise. These options offer flexibility and the opportunity to make some money while balancing family duties.

A: Jobs which allow a flexible schedule like content creation online, participating in advertising programs, and starting a dog treat business from home offer stay-at-home dads a chance to earn extra income for the family.

A: Popular side hustles for stay-at-home parents include affiliate marketing, online tutoring, and graphic design. These hustles allow parents to set their own schedule and make money from home.

A: Yes, some lucrative side hustles like freelance writing or web development can pay around $25 an hour. However, earnings vary based on the hustle and your expertise.

A: Some of the easiest jobs for stay-at-home parents include online tutoring, proofreading, transcription, social media management and creating content online. These require minimal startup costs and can be managed around family responsibilities.

A: Balancing a young family with a side hustle involves effective time management, setting priorities, and possibly getting support from family. Choose a hustle that complements your main job’s schedule.

A: Before starting a remote job, it’s important to understand the time commitment, potential income, and any specific skills or resources needed. Research thoroughly to find the best side hustle job that suits your lifestyle.

A: Successful stay-at-home dads often set clear boundaries, create structured schedules, and use productivity tools. They balance their hustle with other responsibilities by being organized and focused.

A: While stay-at-home jobs may not make you rich overnight, with dedication and the right strategy, some can evolve into full-time income sources. It’s about growing your hustle and scaling your efforts over time.

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